Giant®PA Series是一种智能型1:2金属络合染料,湿牢度和日晒牢度优异,配伍性极佳。主要应用于锦纶、锦/氨、锦纶超细纤维、尼丝纺等运动面料织物。
Giant®PA Series dyes are 1:2 metal complex smart acid dyes. It has excellently wet fastness, light fastness and excellent compatibility. It is recommend for sports fabrics made of polyamide, polyamide/ Spandex, polyamide micro-fiber and polyamide spinning, etc.
·良好的耐光牢度/ High light-fastness
·优良的上染率/ Very good dyeing properties
·高湿牢度/ High wet fastness
·良好的染色重现性/Good reproducibility
·良好的染料配伍性/ Good compatibility
·染色工艺/Dying process
A: 1~2g/L 醋酸钠/ Sodium acetate
0~10% 硫酸钠/ Sodium sulfate
1~2%匀染剂HS-8602/ Levelling agent HS-8602
pH:4.5~5.0 (pH值用80%醋酸调节)/ pH: 4.5~5.0 (Adjust pH with 80% acetic acid)
B:X% Giant®PA Series染料/ Giant®PA Series dyes